| 1. | Teams from each country will conduct joint audits of as many as 12 facilities from " the top 1 , 000 energy enterprises in china " 双方的审计团队将联合审查“全国前1000家能源大户”的12项设施。 |
| 2. | Teams from each country will conduct joint audits of as many as 12 facilities from " the top 1 , 000 energy enterprises in china " 每个国家的小组将会联合审计中国前1 . 000能源需求企业的12项设施。 |
| 3. | Teams from each country will conduct joint audits of as many as 12 facilities from " the top 1 , 000 energy enterprises in china " 每个国家的小组将对中国能源企业1000强中的12各单位开展联合审计。 |
| 4. | Teams from each country will conduct joint audits of as many as 12 facilities from " the top 1 , 000 energy enterprises in china " 两国派出的队伍会在中国前1000家能源企业中用12项指标进行联合审计。 |
| 5. | Teams from each country will conduct joint audits of as many as 12 facilities from " the top 1 , 000 energy enterprises in china " 来自各个国家的人员将对来自中国前1000个企业的12种设施进行联合审计。 |
| 6. | Teams from each country will conduct joint audits of as many as 12 facilities from " the top 1 , 000 energy enterprises in china " 来自两个国家的队伍将联合审查中国前100位能源用量大的企业的12项设施。 |
| 7. | Teams from each country will conduct joint audits of as many as 12 facilities from " the top 1 , 000 energy enterprises in china " 来自两个国家的团队将对“中国能源企业1000强”中的12家企业进行联合审计。 |
| 8. | Teams from each country will conduct joint audits of as many as 12 facilities from " the top 1 , 000 energy enterprises in china " 来自两过的联合审计队伍将对中国排名前1000位的能源企业的12项设施进行联合审计。 |
| 9. | Teams from each country will conduct joint audits of as many as 12 facilities from " the top 1 , 000 energy enterprises in china " 来自中、美的审计团队将对中国能源使用的前1000名企业中的12种设施进行联合审计。 |
| 10. | Teams from each country will conduct joint audits of as many as 12 facilities from " the top 1 , 000 energy enterprises in china " 各国的工作小组会负责12项联合审计工作,这12个项目是从中国1000家能源企业中选出的。 |